The Myconic Protocol
According to thousands of anecdotal stories Myconic's Elevate is purported to:
- Improve your creativity Help you enter states of flow, also known as “being in the zone” or entering a mental state of total energized concentration
- Help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety
- Improve focus, motivation and concentration
- Improve relational awareness
- Increased sense of wellbeing
- Improved cognition
- Increased energy and pleasure in life

Journaling daily has been shown to have a host of benefits for your mental health. Combining journaling with taking Myconic Elevate is a perfect way to turbo-charge the journey to self improvement.
We suggest that it would be beneficial to start journaling at least one week prior to starting your Myconic protocol. You don’t have to do too much as far as content, rather just spend a few minutes before bed jotting down several topics such as:
- Your mood throughout the day
- Your concentration and energy levels
- Any specific areas of your life you want to improve in; maybe paying more attention to your spouse, being a better student, or improving your overall well-being.
- What are your intentions for the following day and/or week ahead?
The last point here is super important. We highly suggest jotting down some goals that are important to you. The purpose is to improve aspects of your life, which won't happen unless you have taken the time to reflect on the aspects of your life you want to change. As we know, nothing changes if nothing changes.
Once you begin taking Myconic, after a week of journaling, it is essential that you continue the daily journaling process. This is a great tool for looking back on your progress and feeling good about how far you've come in the process. Visualizing and tracking growth as you go helps you to validate your efforts and provides the fuel to keep going!
Reflect on your mood, concentration levels, and what you did to improve upon your goals.
With journaling, Myconic can change your life. Without journaling, you are grasping blindly for improvements.

You need to decide how you are scheduling your Myconic Elevate journey. Your body can build up a natural immunity fairly quickly, so it is important that you take breaks. There are a few schedule options that we will discuss here.
The most common are:
- Dose for 5 days, then take 2 days off
- Dose every other day
- Dose every 3 days
Since there is no 'right way', you should choose the one that seems most appealing to you, and stick with it for a minimum of one month.
The key here is consistency. A lot of the benefits of Myconic Elevate appear over time, not on the first or second day, so whichever schedule you choose, make sure you stick by it.
As you record in your journal your progress, by about a week in you should be noticing significant improvements to mood, focus, energy creativity, and the ability to get into states of flow.

Listen to your body
It is important that you stick with your original schedule for at least one month to give your body and mind time to adjust, and for you to have had enough time to make adequate reflections on the effectiveness of your myconic journey in your journal.
However, after your first month, depending on how you feel, you can reorganize your regime. Every person is different, as is how their body reacts. If you are a bigger person, for example, perhaps you might want to add another capsule. Or perhaps you feel you don’t need to take as much as you currently are, and lower the schedule to once a week.
You can figure out how to shift your process by going back and reading through your journal, and seeing how you have felt on days when you took a dose, and how you felt when you were on an off dose day.
Again, everyone is different, so just listen to your own personal body and emotions to figure out what is right for you. Since everyone is different and need different things, its not an exact science, so you just have to do what is right for you personally.
Eventually, maybe after a month, or maybe 3 months or a year, you may feel like you don’t have to be taking Myconic any longer. You may feel like you still retain the benefits even if you are not taking a weekly dose.
Once this happens, feel free to take a protracted break. This could be a full month off, or longer. It may even be a year or multiyear period, or perhaps you can switch to only taking Myconic when you have something specific you need a boost for or to soften the edges of an upcoming event that you normally find stressful, then you may consider resuming your dose temporarily.
Please keep in mind that while you are on a prolonged break, journaling daily or weekly wellness progress will still be very beneficial in general. Keeping track of your thoughts and feelings may also help you decide if and when you should start taking Myconic again.

Improve other aspects of your life
This concept should be considered less of a step, and more of something you should be consciously doing since the very beginning.
Remember, if you are taking Myconic Elevate, it should be to improve specific aspects of your life, such as your concentration, ability to speak in social settings, increase creativity, motivation, etc.
The entire time you are taking Myconic Elevate, you should keep in mind your goals, and be recording daily in your journal how much progress you have made towards said goals.
Again something that can help is that when you are journaling, try to include a checklist of things to complete the next day. Take it slow, take baby steps. Don't have as your first goal become a billionaire. But maybe, work for 3 hours straight without taking a break to make sure you can cross off one or more items on your checklist.
While you are taking Myconic Elevate, you may also try to become healthier overall in your day-to-day life. Not only will Elevate make this easier, but by being healthy, the positive benefits will multiply. Some examples of areas you can try to become healthier in are... eating better, exercising at least a couple of times per week and having a better sleep schedule. Meditating is also a fantastic way to boost your myconic mindset. It can lower your stress levels and help you to remain more present in your daily interactions. Meditation and mindfulness also help us stay centered and focused.
Something important to remember is that Myconic Elevate is not a quick fix. At best it will help you achieve your goals, it won't achieve them for you.
You still have to put in the work and achieving a healthy lifestyle takes time – realistically we are never finished, we just continue to improve incrementally.
Last thing, please come back and share your experience on our Dear Myconic page. Let's Elevate together.
Have a great journey!
Money Back Guarantee
Feel 100% satisfied within 100 days or get a 100% refund.
If you don't absolutely LOVE Myconic Elevate for ANY reason, simply get in touch with us — phone, email, tweet, carrier pigeon, whatever — and let us know you'd like a refund. No hassle, no questions asked.
100 Day Money Back Return Policy applies as a full refund within 100 days for all first time purchasers of an initial order of Elevate 30 day supply. It does not apply to an individual's additional product orders placed after an initial order. Limit one (1) guarantee per product, per household. For more information, see the Myconic Refund Policy.
Our Elevate formula has been scientifically engineered to stimulate specific neurotransmitters in the brain that naturally produce chemicals responsible for mood, energy, focus, motivation, creativity, happiness and arousal.
Formulated with 9 natural ingredients which are specially-extracted for purity, potency and optimal absorption: Lion's Mane Mushroom, Rhizome Ginger Extract, Cordyceps Mushroom, Mucuna Pruriens Plant, Reishi Mushroom, Panax Ginseng, Crocus Sativus Saffron Plant, Water HYSSOP (Bacopa Monnier) Herb and Pumpkin Seed.
Manufactured in a GMP Certified facility in the USA
- 20 Capsules per tin